八年级英语上册Module 10 Unit 1导学案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 八年级 来源: 高中学习网
八年级英语上册Module 10 Unit 1导学案
Module 10 Lao She Teahouse
Unit1 She wanted to see some Beijing Ooera.
词汇:掌握下列单词、词组的基本含义以及在特定语境中的意义, main, interest, agree, almost, impossible, whisper.
情感目标 通过了解老舍及老舍茶馆的相关信息,培养学生对中国文学的兴趣
Teaching steps:过程
Step I Warming -up
Teacher’s Activity:
Give students a brief introduction of Teahouse and Beijing Opera.
Ask students to do pair work to guess where and why Lingling and Sally went. Write
the word teahouse on the blackboard and explain it to the students.
Help students guess the meaning of teahouse and Lao She’s Teahouse.
Students ’Activity : Do pair work to guess where and why Lingling and Sally went.

Step II Listening and pairwork
Teacher’s Activity I:
Play the tape and ask the students to listen carefully.
Students ’Activity I:
listen to events. Listen to the conversation and number the sentences.
Teacher’s ActivityII:
Play the tape again and go through answers with the students. Then ask some pairs to make up a conversation with Would you like…and I’d like…? They can use any words.
Students ’Activity II:
Make up a conversation with Would you like…and I’d like…? They can use any words.

Step III Listening and reading
Teacher’s Activity:
Play the tape;.Present the new words main, interest, offer, agree, almost, impossible. Stress these words when talking to the students. Read slowly to make sure the students understand the meaning of each word and write the new words and expressions on the blackboard. Ask the students to repeat. Ask students to listen again and check answers with each other.

Students ’Activity:
listen to and read a dialogue, then answer some questions and do some exercises to further understand the dialogue. At the same time, learn some new words and expressions, especially some verbs followed by infinitives.:do activity 4: work in pairs, ask and answers questions in pairs. listen again and check answers with each other.

Step IV Discussion
Teacher’s ActivityI:
Ask Ss to have a discussion. to practice some words and expressions; Ask some pairs to act out the dialogues in front of the class.
Students ’ActivityI:Have a discussion in pairs; Act out the dialogues

Teacher’s ActivityII:
In this step, do a game to help students find pairs of sentences which have the same meaning. Help them understand the meaning of each sentence and what the direct speech sentence stands for.
Hand some cards with the sentences of activity 2 to some students. In the end, help students find the rule: each verb in these sentences is followed by
infinitive. Ask the students to remember this rule and these verbs.

Students ’ActivityII: play a game called Find Your Friend
Step VI Pronunciation and speaking
Teacher’s ActivityI:
Play the tape recorder twice. Give students a few minutes to read the sentences by themselves. Then ask them to work in groups of four.
. Encourage them to use “verbs+to do”.
Students ’ActivityI:
Every student must make up a sentence according to activity 8.
Teacher’s ActivityII:
Check some groups. Then ask the students to complete activity 9, using their answers. Ask one student to report his events.
Students ’ActivityII:
Complete activity 9, using their answers. Report his events.

Step VII Homework:
1. Ask the students to learn the new words and expressions in this unit.
2. Ask the students to finish exercise on P124 in the workbook.
1、My daughter’s main ( 兴趣) is dancing。
2、xiaoming (主动) to help me with my English。
3、Nothing is i if you put your heart into it.
4.laoshe is a f write.
5.On my birthday, I received a s present.
二、Write sentences:
1.we/to take the bus to town/agreed/.
2.her mother/to help/offered/with the shopping/Alice/.
3,at university/I/ to study/hope/English/ .
4.you/don’t/why/to go to bed earlier/try/?
5.wants/Perter/to be a writer/. 达标题答案;
1.Interest; 2,offered 3. impossible 4.famous 5.special

1.We agreed to take the bus to town.
2. Alice offered to help .her mother with the shopping.
3. I hope to study English at university.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuer/77880.html
