
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网

高频词 language,communication,accept,meaning,message,bored,well-dressed,lady,matter,towards, hold, later, remind,, neck, cross, nod, shake, sure

高频词组 body lanuage, take place, sit up, make a good impression on…,remind sb.about sth. Reading


1. She’s holding her head up.她仰着头。 Hold…up意思是“抬起;举起”。

e.g. Hold up your right hand please.请举起你的右手。

2.Her body language is making people feel welcome,so they go to her for help. 她的身体语言让人们感到(自己)受到欢迎,因此他们去找她帮忙。 go to sb. for help意思是“找某人帮忙;求助于某人”

e.g. The students always go to Jim for help when they have difficulties with English. 同学们学习英语遇到困难时总是找吉姆帮忙。

3.You make a good impression on her, Simon. 西蒙,你给她留下了好印象。 Make a good impression on sb. 意思是“给某人留下好印象”

e.g. He tried to make a good impression on the girl. 他想给女孩留下好印象。

4.She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday. 她想要提醒我明天是她的生日。 Remind 意思是“提醒;使想起”。常用于以下结构: Remind sb. about sth. 意思是“提醒某人某事;使某人想起某事”

e.g. This song reminds me about my hometown. 这首歌使我想起了故乡。 Remind sb. that… 意思是“提醒某人??;使某人想起??”

e.g. I’m calling to remind you that we’ll meet at the school gate tomorrow morning. 我打电话来是提醒你,我们明天上午在校门口见面。


1. It’s the way you communicate. The way sb. do sth. 意思是“某人做某事的方式”。

e.g. I hate the way he talks to me. 我讨厌他与我说话的方式。

2 .How can that be?怎么可能是这样呢? 这句话完整的表达应为:How can that be like this?

3. Communicating is more than just speaking. 沟通不仅仅是说话。

e.g. Eating more fruit and vegetables is good for your health. 多吃水果蔬菜对身体有好处。 More than 意思是“不止??;非常”

e.g. He was more than angry at the news. 他听到那个消息非常生气。


1. It’s the way you communicate. 是你与人沟通的方式(有问题)。

2. How can that be? 怎么可能是这样呢?

3. Communicating is more than just speaking. 沟通不仅仅是说话。

4. You make a good impression on her. 你给她留下了好印象。



1.Dancers use body language such as steps,gestures and the expressions on their faces to tell stories. 舞者们用身体语言,如舞步、手势和他们脸上的表情来讲述故事。 Such as 意思是“例如”

e.g. Musical instruments, such as violins and pianos, are very expensive. 乐器,例如小提琴和钢琴,价格都非常高。

2.Ballet dancers start training at an early age. 芭蕾舞者很小的时候就开始训练。 At an early age意思是“在很小的年龄”。

e.g. At an early age, she was interested in writing a novel. 她从小就对写小说感兴趣。

At your age, you should know what’s right and what’s wrong. 在你这个年龄,应该明白什么是对,什么是错了。

Speaking and Writing


1.表示提供建议的经典句型 Why don’t you have a rest? Why not have a cup of coffee?

What about going out for a walk after supper? You’d better stay at home and have a res. 2.表示接受建议的经典句型 Good idea!

That’s a good/wonderful idea! That sounds good. I agree with you.

3.表示拒绝建议的经典句型 I’m bored.

I don’t feel like it. Sorry, I don’t think so.

…is great/fun, but I’m tired today.


1. 掌握“提示条”的基本写作要领。在此基础上再进行深入和拓展训练。

2. “提示条”的写作六要素:




Dear ×××,

1.This is to remind you about (内容) (时间)

2.I’ll meet you (地点) (时间)

3.Don’t forget to take (随身携带物品)

Regards ×××

More Practice


1.Eye contact means looking into another person’s eyes. 目光交流指的是看着对方的眼睛。 Eye contact 意思是“目光交流”,look into sb’s eyes 意思是“看着某人的眼睛”。

e.g. When you talk with others,you should look into their eyes.当你和别人交流时,你应当看着他们的眼睛。

2.It can be the key to communication. 它(目光交流)可以是沟通交流的关键。 The key to 意思是“??的关键”

e.g. Hard work and correct ways are the keys to success.勤奋和正确的方法是成功的关键。


Not using eye contact can cause problem, but using too much is not polite either.不进行目光交流会引起问题,但是目光交流太多也不是很礼貌。 动名词的否定式是将否定词not置于动名词之前。

e.g. He felt bad for not being able to lend a hand.他因不能帮忙而感到遗憾。 She was angry about not having been invited.她因没有被邀请而很生气。


1. Eye contact means looking into another person’s eyes. 目光交流指的是看着对方的眼睛。

2. It can be the key to communication. 它(目光交流)可以是沟通交流的关键。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/1337114.html
